B737 od PMDG z najważniejszą od momentu premiery aktualizacją
Seria Boeingów 737 od PMDG otrzymała długo oczekiwaną aktualizację, która wprowadza do tych samolotów nowe funkcje, które pierwotnie trafiły do Boeinga 777. Jak przyznaje PMDG, jest to największa aktualizacja B737 od czasu jego premiery.
– Najważniejszą rzeczą jest to, że zaktualizowaliśmy samolot tak, aby korzystał z nowoczesnego pakietu NavData firmy Navigraph. Jest to aktualizacja, która umożliwia samolotowi korzystanie z formatu bazy danych Navigraph, który opiera się głównie na standardzie ARINC424, a nie na znacznie starszym formacie, którego używaliśmy w naszych produktach przez wiele lat – informuje PMDG.
Obecnie Boeingi z serii 737 powinny odpowiednio generować trasę nawet na tych najtrudniejszych odcinkach, takich jak łuk DME, czy zakręty oparte na wyznaczonych radialach.
Duże zmiany dosięgnęły tabletu, do którego trafiły opcje obsługi naziemnej samolotu, które do tej pory były dostępne z poziomu MCDU. Od teraz w EFB można zaktualizować dane nawigacyjne AIRAC wprost z Navigrapha, bez konieczności korzystania z zewnętrznej aplikacji.
Ponadto na liście zmian znalazły się: nowy system zachowania się samolotu podczas kołowania, poprawa działania VNAV-u (lepsze zarządzanie prędkością, poprawa logiki podejścia), a także zaimplementowany został radar pogodowy dostępny defaultowo w symulatorze.
Aktualizacja jest dostępna za pośrednictwem PMDG Operations Center, do Marketplace’u trafi ona – w zależności od decyzji Microsoftu – 31 października lub 7 listopada.
Pełna lista zmian (w języku angielskim):
Added to 737 Airplane:
– Improved IRU drift model
– Minimum IAS improvement for VNAV CRZ
– Improved taxi handling using lessons learned from 777 development.
– Corrected VOR R needle pointer drawing.
– Improved flight control handling/feel for all 737 types using PMDG’s „fly-by-software” modeling suite.
– Improved control feel in ground effect for all 737 types.
– Improved TAS / Groundspeed / Wind vector / Position Trend Vector smoothing model.
– Robustification of protections against failed tail-number read-in during initialization.
– Improved terrain data display brightness interplay.
– Converted 737 series to use Navigraph’s modern database format (ARINC 424 emulated)
– Save/Load functionality improved to protocol v6 (does not affect simBrief but old saved flight plans are not compatible with this build or later)
– Significant lateral path improvements to leverage navdata capabilities.
– AFDS roll mode control logic improved to leverage lateral path improvements.
– Significant vertical path computation improvements yielded from lateral path updates.
– AFDS vertical mode control logic improved to leverage vertical path improvements.
– Yaw damp logic improved.
– VNAV approach control logic improved.
– Missed approach lateral path marker with MAP fix.
– Removal of stale and deprecated assets and capabilities related to old navdata format.
– Implementation of Asobo weather „radar” returns on appropriate displays. (shows Asobo layer, is not actually radar)
– LNAV auto-arming to provide lateral guidance for a go-around from a ground based approach (ILS/LOC)
Added to 737 Tablet:
- You can now control ground connections including, Ground Power and Terminal Power Units, Air conditioning and Air start units.
- You can visualize and interact with all of the ground vehicles for the 600,700,800,900 and all their sub-variants.
- Fuel Trucks, Cabin Cleaning, Stairs, Galley Trucks, Potable Water, Lav Trucks, and all important SUVs for your BBJ and BBJ2 VIPs.
- You can perform common maintenance tasks including:
- Refilling Hydraulic Fluid, Refilling Engine Oil, Servicing Fire Bottles, Servicing O2 Bottles, Servicing the SCU Motor, Replacing Tires and Brakes, Cooling Brakes, Resetting of the Engine EGTs, and Re-connect of IDGs.
- Visualize and interact with every door on the Aircraft, including emergency doors over the wings in pax variants.
- Manage Auto Cruise and step climbing through the status bar.
- Navigraph Nav-data (AIRAC Cycles) can now be updated directly on the tablet, whether you are on PC or Xbox, enabling updated procedures for all related tasks in the aircraft.
- All of the bugs already fixed in the 777 version of the tablet are now included in your 737 purchase.
English version:
The PMDG 737 series has received a long-awaited update that introduces new features to these aircraft, originally found in the Boeing 777. As PMDG acknowledges, this is the largest update to the B737 since its release.
– The most important thing is that we have updated the aircraft to use Navigraph’s modern NavData package. This is an update that allows the aircraft to use the Navigraph database format, which is primarily based on the ARINC424 standard, rather than the much older format that we have used in our products for many years – says PMDG.
Now the 737 series aircraft should properly generate routes even on the most challenging sections, such as DME arcs or turns based on defined radials.
Major changes have affected the tablet, which now includes ground handling options for the aircraft, which were previously available from the MCDU. From now on, in the EFB, you can update the AIRAC navigation data directly from Navigraph, without the need to use an external application.
In addition, the list of changes includes: a new aircraft behavior system during taxiing, improved VNAV operation (better speed management, improved approach logic), and a weather radar implemented by default in the simulator.
The text was automatically translated using Gemini.