BAe 146 od Just Flight z kolejną aktualizacją
BAe 146 od Just Flight otrzymał kolejny update – poprawiono w nim nie tylko błędy w działaniu wprowadzonego nie dawno FMS-a, ale również szereg innych problemów.
Wśród nowych funkcji wprowadzone zostało m.in. stopniowe tankowanie, zintegrowane z GSX-em. Ponadto poprawiono sterowanie przednim kółkiem, działanie tabletu EFB, list kontrolnych, a także błędy w malowaniach oraz wyglądzie wnętrza wariantu cargo maszyny.
Aktualizacja jest dostępna zarówno za pośrednictwem MSFS-owego Marketplace’u, jak i w sklepie Just Flight.
Pełna lista zmian v. 0.2.1 (w języku angielskim):
- Progressive refuelling functionality added to EFB aircraft page, compatible with GSX
- Nose wheel steering accuracy and smoothness improved
- Manual speed flipchart option added – with the FLIPCHART WT SYNC option disabled, you can now use left and right arrows to change the speed flipchart weight
- General performance optimisation
- Numerous EFB fixes and improvements, including the ability to draw on the Navigraph charts
- SimBrief import payload option now syncs the correct passenger number, cargo quantity and ZFW (new SimBrief profiles for each 146 variant are provided)
- Red warning added to EFB aircraft page when maximum ZFW has been exceeded
- Yoke checklist turns white when placing cursor over yoke clip clickspot (using LOCK interaction mode) – fixed
- TMS modes can no longer be reselected following a TMS fault/failure
- UNS-1 FMS bug fixes and improvements, including:
- UNS-1 flying tri-oval patterns when ‘left’ holding pattern direction selected – fixed
- Improvements to holding pattern logic, based on feedback from real 146/UNS-1 pilots.
- Entering waypoints named “DISCO” causes a NO LINK discontinuity – fixed
- UNS-1 freezes when entering arrival procedures at airports that have duplicated approaches in their Navdata (e.g. YBBN, VGHS) – fixed
- Waypoints not sequencing correctly on VNAV PATH page when using DTO function – fixed
- PVOR and SXTK text colour on MANEUVER page changed to blue to indicate that these functions are not yet simulated
- HOLDING page displays 1/2 pages even though only one is available – fixed
- HOLDING page ‘FIX’ and ‘INBD’ text do not swap when toggling direction of turn left/right – fixed
- Various improvements for ATC communications when using the UNS-1
- Autopilot VS hold ELEVATOR TRIM UP/DOWN control assignments – fixed
- APU state now correctly restored when using state saving
- 146-200 cabin window seal issue – fixed
- Improvements to fuel pump logic to prevent flameouts when accidentally switching off fuel pumps when airborne
- No visible cargo on QC/QT variants – fixed
- 146-200QC TNT incorrect cockpit registration placard – fixed
- 146-300 United Express livery – fixed
- Missing part on air stairs handrail – fixed
- 146-200 tail skid missing – fixed
- VHF/HF aerial toggle EFB options – fixed
- Cabin attendant call panel ‘E.I.C.’ button typo – fixed
- Minor tweaks to cockpit sidewall texture reflectivity
- VHF COM radio test digits clipping edge of display – fixed
- Xbox controller rudder steering axis assignments – fixed
- ‘Modern’ FMS not powering on (Xbox version only) – fixed
- Improved standby altimeter counter accuracy around thousand-foot boundaries (non-Marketplace version only)
- EFB cabin announcements, auto cabin crew and cabin ambient sounds automatically disabled when flying the QC/QT variants but not restored when next flying a passenger variant – fixed (non-marketplace version only)
- Yoke checklists reappearing when selected hidden and then switching camera views – fixed (non-marketplace version only)
- Updated operations manual to v2.1
- Updated EFB manual to v2.1
- Updated UNS-1 manual to v1.1