Leonardo Softhouse aktualizuje swojego MD-80
Fly the Maddog X dla MSFS-a, czyli MD-80 od Leonardo Softhouse, otrzymało aktualizację. Zawiera ona głównie poprawki, ale też kilka nowości.
Samolot otrzymał nowy komputer firmy Canadian Marconi, a także opcję ustawienia EPR SEL w TRP.
Poza tym poprawiono m.in. wykonywania przez maszynę procedury lotu po łuku DME, a także działanie autobrake’ów. Nie zabrakło też innych drobnych poprawek.
Fly the Maddog X MD-82 kosztuje 92,25 euro.
Lista zmian (w języku angielskim):
- Added option for FMS CANADIAN MARCONI / PMS
- Added option for EPR SEL in TRP
- Fixed issue in fms procedures with two consecutive dme arcs
- Fixed issue with brakes remain engaged if autobrake disable by switching it off (not touching the pedals)
- Fixed issue in updating FMS #2 when tipying on the scratch pad
- Fixed free text not working in CPDLC
- Fixed issue with PDC
- Fixed issue of MDClient when running (but flying another addon), in certain cases would not permit the other addon CPDLC to work correctly
- Fixed issue which prevent, in certain cases, from receiving Hoppie telex messages (in any case auto white list must be off to receive message from stations not previously contacted)
- Fixed issue of misplaced plug in the GPU cable on aircraft side
- When selecting data client to ‘None’ METARs are now still available
- MDClient is not installed anymore as a startup app, but it starts automatically when MSFS starts
- ‘Ready at gate’ now use APU for power to avoid issues with GPU when using GSX
- Added option for takeoff CLAMP filter in LM SIMULATOR settings page
- Updated Quick Guide and User Manual
Fot. flythemaddog.com